Hargreaves Contracting

Class, contemporary, heritage and builders? It’s an unusual combination just like the directors Mick and Gerry, but it just works. Hargreaves contractors has perfected the mix, allowing for just the right amount of each part but believe the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Gerry Sweeney

Remember the first time we first met Gerry, he shook our hand, and with an over the top disc jockey tone said "Hi Gerry Sweeney". Thinking sweet Jesus who's this player and another boring corporate branding job about to go down. We soon realised after spending sometime talking to our Gezza that he was so kind, real and full of integrity, you know that person who just oozes good old fashioned hard-work that it was going to be impossible to say no to this gentleman.


Contracting Excellence

We were honoured to work with Mick and Gerry on getting the Hargreaves brand right and we now watch them with pride as they grow into a formidable contracting force building a great brand reputation and a client list that any company would be proud of.


Tribute Paid

Sometimes you never truly know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. Gerry Sweeney 1957-2019

Tim Marner

We are an Award-Winning Branding Agency in Bolton. We specialise in Branding, Graphic Design, Photography, Video Production and Websites.


Nicholas Deakins


Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold